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What is NEOS and what does it mean to me?

1323 views   |   Last updated on Sep 13, 2022    NEOS Interlibrary loan


NEOS is a cooperative library consortium consisting of government, hospital, college and university libraries throughout Alberta.

NEOS libraries share their books and other physical resources. Through NEOS, you will have access to an estimated seven million items that you can request to be delivered to the NorQuest library. 

Other Questions you may have about NEOS:

What personal information are you collecting?

Personal information extracted consists of:

-phone number
-college identification number (library account number)

The personal information you provide to the college is collected under the authority of Section 33© of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It will be used to create your NorQuest Library account.

Why do we have to go through this process?

Because NEOS is a library consortium, and several libraries within the consortium share the same system, the personal information listed above will be shared with library partners within the shared system for the purpose of identity verification in order to facilitate material loan and other library services at NorQuest and partner libraries. 

What is the risk to me if I consent to share my personal information?

The risk to you is minimal. It is similar to requesting a public library account. You need to provide your name and contact information and in return, you are granted borrowing privileges. NEOS is no different. Libraries adhere to an ethos of confidentiality; libraries do everything possible to protect the privacy of the people who use their services.

How long will my personal information stay in the NEOS system?

Library accounts are expired when a student withdraws or ends their studies. Accounts are purged from the system two years after expiry unless there are outstanding items or fines charged to the account. When NEOS libraries exit the shared system, only their clients' personal information will be carried over into their new system. If you wish to borrow from a library that has left the shared system, you must visit the library in person to create a new account, or you may place an interlibrary loan request through NorQuest College Library. 

What happens if I do not provide consent?

If you do not provide your consent your personal information will not be transferred to the NEOS library system. As a result, you will not be able to place ‘holds’ on NorQuest or non-NorQuest materials.

Can I change my mind?

Yes. You can return to the original email in your MyMail account and select “I agree”. It will take at least 24 hours to update your account.
