1320 views | Last updated on Oct 06, 2022
Book a Student Meeting Room here.
At the Login page, use your Network Login User Name.
1. Select the date you would like to book a room
You may book up to 1 week in advance
2. Find the correct room type for your needs
Online Service Rooms (1 seat) - For attending online classes or appointments
Group Study Rooms (4 or 6 seats) - For individual study or group work
3. Green indicates the room is available. Red indicates that the room is not available.
Click a green block at the time you would like your booking to begin. 2 hours is the default booking time.
You can adjust the booking time by using the drop-down menu at the bottom of the screen.
You may book between 30 minutes and 3 hours per day
4. Click submit times
5. Review your booking details. Enter your name and student email address into the form
Click Change if you would like to make any edits to your booking details